The funny thing about investing is that all of the profits you stand to make come at the expense of taking risks. Once we established this stock is systemic naked sold short as well as profitable and debt free we basically have a situation where the equity is mispriced and we are essentially slurping up free money.
If the company can't go bankrupt and the shorts are forced to provide us with cheapies just to stop the price from running away then we literally don't need anything other than precious metals incase they try and rugpull us. The only reason to have any other investment is to make some profits to be rolled over in to GME when it dips down this low. That's what I did when I was building a dividend portfolio which I sold and moved into GME. Now, once GME moves higher, Let's say it runs up to $25 again. I could theoretically sell the shares bought with the div-portfolio and rebuy the divie stocks. So if I was earning $100 per month, I could theoretically buy back in and make $250 per month. Rinse and repeat. So either I wagmi via MOASS or I literally trade my way to economic freedom and early retirement.
No other assets required. 100% bulletproof guarantee that you WILL wagmi.