>>20183552The only thing that baldness effects in your life is your chances with women. When you're 24, that seems like the end of the world, but when you're 44 you'll look over at all your male friends and realize 99% of them are in one of these categories:
- divorced, financially ruined, coping by dating post-wall alcoholics
- married, wife is a land whale or a train wreck, he thinks of nothing but suicide
- married, wife is cucking him, or just generally massively disrespectful, he hangs his head and repeats the words "yes dear"
- never married but has kids, kids are losers/sluts because no father, has nothing to live for
The fact is, for most men, women (not baldness) is the path to unhappiness.
Here's an alternative for a young bald guy: (1) you can still (though rarely) pull a woman for a weekend of sex. The good news is, you wont even be tempted to wife her up because it'll be obvious that she's a loser. But you still get sex so, still winning.
ProTip: always break up with these women by tricking them into thinking it's their idea. When she gets drunk and goes to fuck her ex, don't make a big deal. Just say "you call him your ex but actually it sounds like that's the guy you're supposed to be with" - she'll agree, probably start crying, and part as "friends" ...and just like that you will have broken free of a train wreck woman without any drama!!
(2) when you get older, because you've been working on your career instead of wasting money on women, you'll have money, and you'll be prime pickings for 20 year olds with daddy issues. And let me tell you, if you go a whole year or more without sex, but then you pull a 22 year old who likes you because you're old and bald (and have money) ...thats 100x better than being married to a 40 year old woman.