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From evolution to the Hadron Collider we’re being sold ancient occultic mysticism as modern science.
Basically there's a kabbalistic cult that's been brainwashing the western peoples into believing their Babylonian horseshit for centuries.
Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, Einstein, Hawking et al were all Freemasonic/Jewish/Jesuitical kabbalists.
>Theoretical physics, originates in Kabbalah and alchemy.
>Quantum physics originates in Kabbalah. Lurianic Kabbalah describes a multiverse of creation. By this model, the whole of creation was initially infinite, but God gradually folded it in a series of contractions, or tzimtzumim, into a finite, singular world.
>The basis for all nuclear physics can be found in the Kabbalah [which puts forth] the idea that all matter is made from small invisible particles [atoms], and that these particles can be manipulated through sound…
>Every single one of the scientists who contributed to the Manhattan Project was Jewish.
>every single man who supposedly went to the moon was a freemason.
>Jack Parsons, the founder of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory was a student of occultist Alistair Crowley and good friend of Scienology founder L. Ron Hubbard (who was also a student of Crowley).