>>20219141your wife has secured the betabux
>>20219145"Men are 8× more likely than women to enjoy casual sex (28.9% M, 3.6% F); ie, women have higher action regret, while men have higher inaction regret."
"In stable relationships, the man is 3× more likely to initiate sex than the woman is."
"Women rapidly lose interest in sex once in a stable relationship or living with a man. Conversely, male sexual desire was found to remain constant, or even increased throughout the course of the relationship.
The more men love their wives, the more they want to have sex with their wives. The more women loved their husbands, the LESS they wanted to have sex with those husbands.
Men showed affection by initiating sex, sharing leisure activities, and doing housework with their wives. By contrast, women showed affection by reducing negative or antagonistic behaviors (eg, nagging less and being less annoying)."
straight male prostitutes don't exist. all male prostitutes exclusively target faggot men.
if women never pay for sex that LITERALLY means they don't consider it worth their time.
ever hear time = money?
why don't you do your job for free?
the correct answer: because you value your time.
"Swiss survey: 30% of men, but NOT ONE out of 1,000 surveyed women (0%!) have paid for sex."