>>20223932>escorts/hookers in the USAbsolutely not.
First, it's illegal, and many "prostitutes" are actually just police informants or rings to bust you. Even if you found a legit hooker, they can always backstab you later and report you. Solicitation of prostitution doesn't look good on your record.
Second, because it's illegal, the only women who are actually prostitutes are drug addicts or criminals looking for enough money to fuel their habits. So unless you want to have sex with incredibly ugly crack whores with loads of STDs, it ain't worth it. They also have pimps and nearly always associated with criminals, and obviously you don't want those people in your life.
If you do want to fuck prostitutes legally in the US, your only option is to go to Nevada (where prostitution is legal in some counties), but the prices are exorbitant - easily $500 for a single act of sex.
Just go to Europe, South America, or SEA.