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my dad relapsed

ID:2P1rCCDc No.20238581 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
got a bit of a long story that's still kind of going on today so i'll try to shorten it as much as possible while leaving in details
also sorry it's a greentext.

>live with dad for my entire high school life
>we share a bank account for a while to pay for groceries and rent
>dad used to be heavily into drugs when i was a little kid, but he got off the stuff and was clean for years
>ffw to a year after my graduation
>dad starts bringing friends over that i've never seen before
>he and his friends hang out in his room all day basically everyday
>he starts buying more and more baking soda along with brining utensils into his room
>me and landlord (grandpa) look around his room and get conformation that he's on heavy drugs again
this drug problem is still ongoing