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25 thinking of giving up

No.20239652 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me 25
>work as a mechanic like did recommended I do
>work at same shop for seven years making 16 dollars starting and now I make 21 and I actually feel poorer
>no friends or girlfriend other than work associates if you count that
>still live with parents
>mom mocks me for still living with her and dad consistently tells me to man up work more and quit being a loser when I work 10 days
>my only joy in life if you can call it that is anime where I can feel like I have friends and video games where I feel I can accomplish something
>my coworker one time tried to set me up with a admittedly hot single mother unironically and blatantly told me that’s the best I could hope for at 25 and I should have settled down at 21 like he did he is 35 I think
I honestly feel ripped off and that I was cheated out of a life. I have pretty much everything I want and I have 20 grand saved up. I’m honestly thinking of just quitting life and staying in my room like the hikkimori in Japan. I don’t care what my parents think they should be ashamed and humiliated of the life they gave me and they deserve to suffer for it. What should I do? I wish I was never born.