Making FF15 great/another FF:
R1: Press for sword, hold for shield, nothing for magic/heal.
R2: Strength and speed of sword/shield attack/parry (costs health). Eg press shallow fast for a quick and light attack.
L1: Hold sprint, press jump, hold in mid air grab.
L2: Fly (Like armored core 4/4A, costs health), could be something else, but flying is the best part of AC4/4A. Strafing on the ground could work the same way, as well as pressing fast to dodge.
Health is gained through narrowly avoiding attacks, and landing attacks.
MP is gained through being hit. (learn enemy attacks, then avoid to kill at faster speed, finish off with magic attacks, ending battle with MP lessens exp earned and incurs a hefty health hit, making next battles harder.
Enemies have weak points identified by what they try to protect the most. Eg their back, avoiding attacking that part earns their help and will make them flee, to return when you "die" building an army of them and remaining poor is another path through the game.
Enemies procedural gen, maybe mechs, people etc rather than abominations/animals. Either way can't fight them on autopilot.
Story: Energy supply dying, grandiose vision for the future now constrained, mechs made out of service en masse, to be replaced with flesh slaves, animals etc engineered to do their function. A lot doesn't want to comply, some creatures are thankful fro their existance, others lament it, some want to be human. It's a mess. People responsible for others bearing the price are either your commanders or your enemy. You are to enforce their will or find some other way.
The innocent are the first to be attacked. They're the easiest to dismiss and destroy.