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A throbbing, blood-shot blue cock appeared on screen, surrounded by darkness. He then revealed his face, which looked like the same Squidward from his profile pic. It seemed to be distorted, while a high-pitched noise played in the background. But this noise wasn't coming from the computer, no, it was in my house. I smelled something burning. I looked out my window for the source of the smell, and found the man outside my house burning a cross. I looked away, and back only to see, that the cross was gone, but the smell was even stronger, and I could feel heat coming from far behind me. The window was open, and I saw a squid-like figure standing upright in the darkness exiting through my backdoor. This was over. I was done for. The webcam showed, that very same squid-like figure running through the forest howling like an ape having a prostate orgasm with a knife in it's ass. The call ended, and I received two final messages from him: "IT'S OVER, THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IS DEAD" "TELL ME, WOULD YOU LIKE TO TUMBLE DOWN THE METAL STAIRS BEHIND YOUR HOUSE LIKE A STUGE THAT STEPPED ON A BANANA PEEL YOU FUCKING NIGGER" I began to run outside my house to my neighbor's place to hideout, however, I slipped on a banana peel on the metal stairs behind my house like he asked me if I wanted to, causing me to fall into very thick shrubbery with my ass pointing up in the air out of the bush.