>>20283317>Isnt it kind of retarded to have the majority of the world's production of microchips to all be concentrated on a small island?TL;DR: Yes.
It's not that western industrial nations couldn't do it, but the patents are exclusive to Taiwain.
That kind of profitable gentlemen's agreement will go down the shitter the second that Taiwan's production capacity is compromised and/or falls into Chinese hands tho.
Taiwan holding up the chip production for the entire world is the safety pin that prevents western industrial nations to rush up chip factories themselves over the course of a few years.
>>20283315>Why do Chinese people hate the idea that Taiwanese are their own people and not part of Chinese?If you substract all the smoke and mirrors about "one culture", "same as us!" and "we must free our brethren", it's the same reason Russia wants Ukraine.
Where Ukraine is the literal breadbasket for an entire continent with it's overabundant farmlands, Taiwan is a fountain spewing liquid gold with it's chip manufacturing.
Taiwan and Ukraine a glittering prizes on the doorsteps of greedy nations that simply lack the consideration and morals that would prevent western nations to do the same.
Spain doesn't just annex Calatonia(sp?), France doesn't just annex Belgium. Modern countries don't use military power to achieve goals of pure greed at the literal cost of humanity.
Russia and China aren't modern nations, they're 2nd world and 2nd rate powers. One dying and trying to slow its fall, one rising and trying to hasten it's ascention. They don't have to keep up the mask if civilization because the world knows what they are. Same with North Korea, only with more nukes and varyingly more influence on the political stage.