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ID:Zo+H/rmu No.20338159 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm gonna have to post this here because /v/ jannies are highly neurotic and will probably give me a 3 month ban for daring to speak ill of their board but man, /v/ and the various /v/ offshoots have really went to shit. its 60% porn threads 30% pol shit and the remaining 10% of vidya threads immediately get filled with anons either turning the thread into /pol/ or anons will sperg out and yell at you to post on /vg/ or something becuase they can't stand to see something on topic on their shithole of a board. Threads will usally start out talking about a game before a bunch of posters call op a shill (because nobody talks about vidya on /v/ without getting paid) and will then quickly turn into some discord drama shitfling fest and thats assuming it didn't turn into some autistic brandwar before hand. jannies will also keep up every single offtopic thread until bump limit (the exception being threads criticizing jannies on not doing their job or how shitty the board has gotten, those get 404d within minutes). It's all so tiring, i just want to talk about vidya with /v/ros but /v/ isn't about that anymore, its just the culturewar/porn board now and jannies will try their hardest to make sure it will always be that way. Ok blog post over, hows your day been /bant/?