Boxing is so stupid rigged you never know, the refs can fuck with the fight to an unbelievable degree so there's never "easy money" involved in it
>>20370455Arguing about who beats who is literelly the most basic form of communication men have
I bet ~90% of all interaction between men in human history was just "debating and analyzing who will win and why"
whenever it's which animal beats who (bear vs tiger vs wolf is most likely most discussed topic in human history), which team beats which, which school of philosophy is better, what car is faster, which historical army was superior, which political candidate will win etc. etc.
Men just biologically are hard wired to enjoy debating and analyzing who will win and why, being mad at it is just rejection of your masculinity.
I'd say it's sign of faggotry but even faggots and trannies have this bare bones masculinity that makes them enjoy arguing about whose gonna win Eurovision or if Billie Eilish will outstream Taylor
It is fun anallllllllllyzing