>>20371377The funny thing is, yeah I am bald and fat and I still get girls, because yes younger girls do like older men, not because being OLD makes you hot, but because being 22 makes you an insecure loner without a pot to piss in and a window to throw it out of. Being in your 30s means you've grown beyond that (I hope you have at least)
Confidence, true confidence, doesn't mean walking up to a woman and shouting "YOUR FACE IS PRETTY GO OUT WITH ME" like an autist, it means you genuinely don't give a fuck if she says yes or no, you have to mean it, you have your shit together in just such a way that you're clearly not showing off, but you also aren't disgusting.
This means not walking around with your belly poking out, this means accepting you're bald and shaving your head. This means no popped collars and skinny jeans; because it looks weird on you. Wear regular fucking clothes that are comfortable CLEAN and WELL TAKEN CARE OF, take fucking showers etc.
I'm engaged, I'm going to be married, and this woman is going to have all my babies, because she knows it's a condition of our relationship from the get go, no screwing around. No negotiations, you are after children and a family and if she doesn't like that you will move on. PERIOD.
Do yourself a favor guys, don't let roasties like this get you upset. It was never about their looks; it was about how they got their looks.
A woman who's single in her 30s is single for a fucking reason, men have an excuse, women don't.