>>20390352Women tell me that i'm handsome and are dropping hints - both directly and indirectly - all the time.
As soon as i open my mouth though, they realize i'm not actually the cold-hearted dark triad Chadlite they had hoped i would be.
Cue "the ick", aka their hypergamous instinct telling them that i'm not a top 20% Chad and thus not up for consideration.
A good-looking sigma male on the spectrum is not what your average roastie is looking at as relationship material, and only mentally unstable BPD-disordered roasties actively seek out these types of men since they're more likely to put up with their shit.
Sometimes i envy the the really ugly truecel men out there. Not getting any female attention at all is preferable to getting it but almost never/only rarely getting anything sexually satisfying out of it due to the insane levels of hypergamy among the opposite sex which causes only the top 10% men to receive sexual satisfaction from their endless list of hypergamous harem members any time they feel like it while the bottom 90% of men go empty for the most part or get some of the leftover broken table scraps from Chads at best.
There's a point at which you're just tired of the two-faced hypergamous games femoids refuse to stop playing, and where you realize that paying them outright makes more sense in every conceivable respect.
Even if you lay pipe with some roastie once in a blue moon, you're not getting a lasting relationshit out of it anyways in clownworld, so might as well save your time and nerves and get your rocks off at a professional whore's place.