>>2039633Fuck you, you cunt. You nigger. You vulgar piece of dogshit. I cannot imagine what makes you think you have the right to articulate your thoughts anywhere they might be read or overheard by decent human beings.
Your presence here is a bad joke that never ends. Do you really think anyone enjoys reading your inane comments? It is an unprecedented misfortune for mankind that you live in so tolerant a society as that of the Federal Republic of Germany — for, as many of our international visitors can testify, your very continued existence would be felt as an insult utterly incapable of being tolerated in their homelands. After all, if something so ugly, so pointless, so blatantly detrimental in its effect on everything it comes into contact with, is to be allowed a place in society, where is the line even to be drawn?
You are a macabre parody of humanity. One look at your miserable self, safely housed, with free Internet access, giddily mashing away on your keyboard under the sorry delusion that you're contributing anything meaningful to this or any other board, and oblivious to the profound disgust your every word evokes in anybody unfortunate enough to notice one of your posts, is enough to put to rest for all time any lingering doubts about the reality of the ongoing decay of Western Civilization. The Romans would have euthanized you the moment you exited the womb without a second thought as a service to their fellow citizens, your parents. If you had been born in the Stone Age, your mother would've strangled you in the bush the moment she laid eyes on you and told everyone you were stillborn when she got back to camp.