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Who were the Nephilim?

No.20411641 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is the rabbinical interpretation, which the Christians also naturally hold of the Nephilim and the way antediluvian civilization worked accurate?

Who were these creatures? Were they evil angels of the god Yahweh who fornicated with mortal women? Were they traveling aliens from another world with flying saucers who wanted to breed supersoldiers? Were they pagan deities like the Olympians and Anunaki who were just looking to lord over something?

Are the Nephilim related at all to the tales of Greek demigods like Herakles and Theseus? What was going on before the end of the Ice Age 12,000 years ago? Was primitive man just discovering the larger world, or were there really divine events interacting with the temporal world at that time that are not so obvious today? The Greeks have the tale of the gigantomachy and the kikes have the tale of the giants, so evidently, there was some sort of ancient war in which the Olympians played a large part. Seriously, though, who were the Nephilim? Ancient Aryans?