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ID:tPjZxd5X No.2041435 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>working retail
>tard and wrangler comes in
>"oh no" mutters a coworker
>tard is walking funny and mumbling
>tard sniffs while saying "sniff sniff" out loud
>says to wrangler
>"Soon i have to buy this first"
>Baoom. Says the tard insisting.
>"One second"
>I see a small amount of fluid on his pants
>Ba. Oom.
>"can you wait 5 minutes?"
>Wrangler was a piece of shit imo
>hear a loud BRRRRRRRAP
>wrangler swears as piss and shit cover the tards pants and the floor around him
>as i grab the mop as they rush to the bathroom a faint "BAOOMBAOOMBAOOMBAOOMBAOOMBAOOM" echoes through the store.

Tard tales thred?