>>20416936>>20416941The Septiuagint can be the oldest surviving written text and still be based upon a larger corpus of texts.
What? You think all these law texts, the poetry and the historic records contained within the OT just came spontaneously into being when the septiuagint was written?
But fine. I can actually give you written sources that prove that the bible and torah have their own sources.
Exodus 21,28 - 32 is a law regardiing when a cow hurts a person.
We have older versions of almost the same law from the Code of Hammurapi ( 250-252) and Code of Eschnunna ( 54 - 55). So clearly the bible was influenced by Babylonian law. Which makes sense, since Babylon governed the Israel region and resettled parts of the jewish people closer to Babylon.
I would like to give you a more detailed source, but the book that I have is in German. "Die Bibel - Entstehung, Geschichte, Auslegung" by Konrad Schmid, C.H. Beck Wissen, p. 43. If you can find a translation, do read the book. It's not that long but full of historic information regarding the early jews.