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2MiB, 1678x1119, 6-Signs-that-You-Are-Suffering-From-Male-Pattern-Baldness.png
Quoted By: >>20417028 >>20417029 >>20417030 >>20417031 >>20417033 >>20417035 >>20417037 >>20417040 >>20417042 >>20417044 >>20417050 >>20417054 >>20417060 >>20417065 >>20417066 >>20417073 >>20417076 >>20417084 >>20417089 >>20417091 >>20417094 >>20417097 >>20417100 >>20417107 >>20417111 >>20417116 >>20417124 >>20417128 >>20417130 >>20417133 >>20417134
In the past, balding was seen as something natural, and while of course many men were insecure about it, it was normal to just walk around with a Tony Soprano on your head and people in general did not care. Then Hollywood introduced all the bald action movie actors and so, shaved heads became cool. The bad thing was, they didn't become an alternative to letting nature run its course - they became the only solution, and visible male pattern baldness started being associated with being unhygienic, pedophile etc., which created insecurities in balding men who didn't think a bald head suits them.
But then the jews did something truly genius - a total 180. Instead of shaving it off, the only acceptable response to losing hair was fighting it with drugs and hair transplants. Every popular actor has perfect hair nowadays. This, of course, made men feel even more anxious about baldness, to such extent that men with full heads of hair can now name several hair loss drugs.
The Jews have basically created two camps - the "just shave it and grow a beard" one, and the "do everything to keep it" one, with men with receding hairlines being completely out of the picture. So nowadays, when some radical feminist on twitter makes fun of male hair loss, she is not met with unified backlash from men. Instead, these men start fighting among each other while agreeing with the feminist. "I'm not actually going bald, I stopped it with drugs! Going bald is voluntary nowadays" says the blackpilled incel. "Having hair is for fags and women, shave it all off!" says the Mr Clean. "I have shoulder length hair, no one in my family goes bald, sucks to be you guys" says the guy with good hair. So they fight with each other not realizing that the jews have successfully divided and conquered them and killed any sense of unity.
All of that because they made having a natural male trait criminal. Don't let yourself be sucked into balding discussions on 4chan, they want it. Don't let them win.
But then the jews did something truly genius - a total 180. Instead of shaving it off, the only acceptable response to losing hair was fighting it with drugs and hair transplants. Every popular actor has perfect hair nowadays. This, of course, made men feel even more anxious about baldness, to such extent that men with full heads of hair can now name several hair loss drugs.
The Jews have basically created two camps - the "just shave it and grow a beard" one, and the "do everything to keep it" one, with men with receding hairlines being completely out of the picture. So nowadays, when some radical feminist on twitter makes fun of male hair loss, she is not met with unified backlash from men. Instead, these men start fighting among each other while agreeing with the feminist. "I'm not actually going bald, I stopped it with drugs! Going bald is voluntary nowadays" says the blackpilled incel. "Having hair is for fags and women, shave it all off!" says the Mr Clean. "I have shoulder length hair, no one in my family goes bald, sucks to be you guys" says the guy with good hair. So they fight with each other not realizing that the jews have successfully divided and conquered them and killed any sense of unity.
All of that because they made having a natural male trait criminal. Don't let yourself be sucked into balding discussions on 4chan, they want it. Don't let them win.