Finns are genuinely annoying and I avoid them as much as I can so I can maximize enjoyment in life but but Finns on here and Ylilauta are such bottom barrel trash they are on a whole other level.
The subhumans in /sauna/ are the most benign cancer since they are self-contained, but they have the sentience level of mold. They are essentially a macro-organism which produce inane, meaningless posts kind of like fungi transmit information. That's all fine since I don't have to see their posts and ponder about their lack of sentience, but even that's a worrying sign about what kind of Finnish trash inhabit this site.
The cadre of Pro-Russian transgenders and homos like Kat which spam threads about their anguish towards society and how much better Russia is are the real nightmare.
I can't even fathom how unhinged and rare these creatures are. They are 1% of the 1% of the 1% but make up for it through sheer autistic dedication.
There's another similar class of beings which is more found on Ylilauta, the Russian Propaganda Golems who have the sentience level of the aforementioned mold-Finns of /sauna/ but a high degree of anger towards society similar to the trans Finns and they are easily manipulated into doing the bidding of Russia by their puppeteers. Because of them, almost every single thread on Ylilauta ties into Russian propaganda regardless of the subject. I would place the guy spamming Sweden Bad/Russia Good threads in his category.
In addition to these, you have of course the few oddballs with a few screws loose like the Saarhunter and the Birdfucker and whatever characters but they come and go.