>>20501280Oh so the police want to shoot 90% of the people? Including their bakers, garbage removal and the father of the friend of their daugther? That will surly work.
>>20501280>Again, if you actually want to delegitmize the state, voteWhy do you think EVERY Media, Polititician, Celeb, Company, etc basically everyone who is tied into the system say you should/have to vote. Do you REALLY think THIS is the method to topple the system.
>>20501280>A big part of what woke me..That was funny and frighteing at the same time. All the evening program (before the election) in the media switched to movies and some story about "evil right guy does something evil". That was Gleichschaltung.
Sadly, it did not woke you up all the way. But lets do not waste more energy. At least we both do not believe in Altparteien, MSM and the rest of the suckers.
We can meet us in the middle. I would never oppose our action in real life.
After the last 4 years.....everyone has to do it on his own in my opinion.
OH and i am gladly wrong on this. So if AfD makes based moves, i come to this board an apologize deeply.