>>20513322I did, once.
Everyone colonized everyone, for millenia. Europeans were just doing exactly what everyone had done, from the Egyptians to the Mongols to the Muslims who spent centuries trying to conquer Europe itself. The Africans bitch about being colonized, but they spend centuries warring and conquering each other. India bitches about being colonized by the British, but it was fine when the Mughals did it? And so on.
Given that every culture had done it, I had no problem with it. And to be honest, European colonization was probably better than any in history. We actually did try and civilize them.
But what do I feel now?
No, I don't agree with colonization. We took up the White Man's Burden, tried to help the savages, and all we get now is hatred and resentment. So fuck them. We should have purged the world of the browns and settled it with our own. Zimbabwe fed the world until the blacks got hold of it. Imagine what Africa, India, or South America could be if they were full of only Whites. There wouldn't be as deforestation in the Amazon, for example.
Genocide + settlement > imperialization + colonization.