>>20561657>>471326378>https://educate-yourself.org/cn/How-to-Stop-Electronic-Harassment-via-Nano-Fungal-Infection005jun17.shtml#petthe morgellon's/TI/electronic harassment connection is interesting to me
before i started getting hit really bad with frequency weapons i had a lucid dream/sleep paralysis even where i was frozen in my bed while a guy dressed in swat gear with a gas mask came in my room and injected me with something on the back of my neck, at the base of my skull. when i "woke up" or snapped out of the sleep paralysis, my apartment doors were standing open and a light was on that had been off before i fell asleep. there was a red, raised bump on the back of my neck that didn't go away for months at the point where the guy in the gas mask injected me.
anyway, after that happened i started getting the classic morgellons skin disease symptoms (yellow scabs that oozed some kind of greasy liquid) and after that the havana syndrome/EMF weapon symptoms started, and have never stopped.
something i just realized- before that dream where i got injected, i had much more classic zerzetsung/gangstalking behavior in my life- strangers approaching me in public and asking me strange questions, my house getting broken into, my car getting fucked with, etc- since then, that all has toned down quite a bit but the frequency-based weapon harassment has increased greatly (it's really fucked up my life this last year especially).
i wonder if other targeted individuals have experienced that same pattern, with IRL zerzetsung followed by EMF harassment.
sorry for blogposting. i just can't talk about this stuff anywhere else because i don't want people IRL to think i'm any crazier than they already do.