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God burned me alive for speaking the truth

No.20568340 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Context, I woke up and fell asleep multiple times but this occurred around 5:00 A.M. I was in a dark parking lot and "conversing" with this entity. I spoke the truth about how SOME black people are causing crime and suffering to whites, asians, and hispanics as well as their own race. I'm not a white nationalist, I'm not even white but even I can see there is a criminality problem in the black community.

Immediately after I said this, I was transported in an elevator and taken down to hell where he burned me in a box where I was left crying for my own mother.

I just cannot fathom how shallow, juvenile, petulant, and bleeding heart the god of israel really is. It will literally ignore facts and figures to save face and look good to as many people as it can, ignoring sheer levels of crime by blacks against blacks and blacks against others in exchange for some false morality.

He liberally burns billions of gentiles for eternity for so called "thought" crimes and saves violent thugs who commit real crimes, from suffering if they magically repent. For context, I have suffered many nightmares because of this entity. I feel defeated and regret ever worshiping this demiurge monster.

Looking at this from a historical point of view, he fucking hates whites and asians for not worshiping his stupid jewish entity. Notice how the jews always wins? That's god for you. Destroyer of gentiles. Read Guyenot.

You literally cannot be christian and hate black criminality with god. There is no middle ground. It is a tyrant.