[13 / 8 / ?]

94KiB, 983x608, Pan_Am_Boeing_747SP_Clipper_Fleetwing_Fitzgerald.jpg
Quoted By: >>2057387
I know we have 21 billion of these a day now, but I made my own custom one and I want to test it out. As this is a beta test, feel free to viciously slag me for any errors in the program. In addition, please do suggest new events to add to the itinerary.
This is Vietnam, gents. I need 24 Volunteers/Draftees. You may or may not get to waste some gooks, and you may or may not come home. You will probably get high, though. Let's go!
This is Vietnam, gents. I need 24 Volunteers/Draftees. You may or may not get to waste some gooks, and you may or may not come home. You will probably get high, though. Let's go!