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aryan 140iq Asperger’s gf

No.20576493 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I found a pure Germanic / Polish 140iq Asperger’s tomboy gf who has never had a boyfriend before me and only been with 1 guy before me (she is 27)

We have been together for like 5 months now and she recently has been stressing out because she is jealous I have been with 40 girls and she says “I have nothing to compare you to so idk if I want to settle down now”

She also easily develops crushes on other guys but always has been too scared / shy to act on her impulses. There was a guy from her wrestling gym she had a crush on for a few weeks and I convinced her to stop going but now her family is concerned I’m being controlling.

What do I do?
This is politically relevant because I want to have high IQ aryan kids with her.