>>20587027well, i think sometimes love clouds your thoughts and makes you think its going to be a disney fantasy forever. i got a huge confidence and life satisfaction boost from finally getting to be with the "love of my life" but I was grounded after a few months of being with her. We just didn't agree on a lot and she was not "perfect" for me, so even though I did love her like I was insane, my love faded away. In a way, getting with her helped me grow up and get over her. I was getting more distant and broke up with her but I tried to not be too sudden with it, I think she could tell eventually it wasn't going to work. Now I look for other things in a woman, I just want a life partner I can relate to, and I also want children a LOT now, even though I didn't care before. Not sure if it all makes sense or not, just what I feel.