>>20592768and if you say mary was not a virgin, then jesus is false messiah, because abraham was not told to wait for a human or a man. Or just someone learned person who knew a lot of theology or was a good leader. He was told to wait specifically for someone who was born of VIRGIN, aka no human father no human mother. Just put in her womb without intercourse.
It amazes me how all these retards, even many christians do not understand it, and they fighting over which human race/subspecies jesus was. Thinking if he was of that subspecies then he is more for them than others. And it clearly says he's for neither of them aka cause he's not a human. If he was simply a man then he is false messiah.
Jews like muslims saturn worshippers, were so retarded that they actually made up that mary was not virgin cause she fucked a roman centurion called pantera, which is mentioned in the talmud over 5 times. And she lied to joseph about it claiming he was cuckolded by a roman centurion.
If jesus was not born of virgin then he is no messiah. It's also the messiah jews are waiting for, if he is not born of virgin then he is not messiah either.
That was the whole thing that abraham was to wait for this 'guy' who was not a human, hence why he was born of virgin. They sending emmisary from on high was the point. hence why they call him the son of god. Rather than the son of man, you see in the bible with the angels they constantly call humans 'son of man'. And jesus is son of god, cause he's not human.
So these morons if they call themselves christians, or if they are not, who say it mattesr what 'race' jesus is, they clearly have not read their own texts well enough. Like the niggesr who running around saying "jesus was black" look you have just not understood any of the bible then if you say that or if you think that or if you think he is of any human race whatsoever.
So just putting that to rest.