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YHWH is the egyptian demon Set

No.20605843 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im gonna drop some deep esoteric 32nd degree freemason knowledge on you niggers. The god of the bible and pisslam is nothing more than an ancient egyptian desert demon which has its true origin probably even further back.
YHWH and Set are the same entity. Both are storm and war gods, protectors and vengeful destroyers. Set is the god of chaos, storms, and deserts the bringer of curses. set is associated with bloody rituals and the spilling of blood, particularly in his conflict with Horus.YHWH unleashes plagues and demands blood sacrifices, which include animal offerings and the symbolic near-sacrifice of Isaac.. They’re the same.
The Hyksos were semites. These Semitic people ruled Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period, around 1650-1550 BCE. They worshipped Set, their storm/chaos god, and spread his worship in Egypt. The Hebrews, or Israelites, were also Semitic. put two and two together
When the Jews were running Egypt, the Egyptians were worshipping their usual gods like Ra, Amun, and Osiris. Meanwhile, the Hyksos were worshipping Set, the god of chaos and storms, basically the antagonist in Egyptian mythology. Typical behavior from them. Bringing a chaos god into Egypt caused endless problems. Set thrived on disorder and turmoil, fitting the bill for a demon perfectly. No surprise the Egyptians wanted them out.
The Hyksos were expelled by Ahmose I, a major Egyptian victory. This expulsion is the real story behind the Exodus. The Hyksos got kicked out for worshipping a chaos god and causing trouble. Over time, they turned this into a sob story about being enslaved and oppressed for 400 years, which is a huge exaggeration. The truth? The Hyksos ruled for about 100 years before getting the boot. Moses leading the Exodus is just a reimagining of their forced departure.
So, the biblical Exodus is just a narcissistic exaggerated sob story. They twisted the Hyksos expulsion into this grand tale of suffering and liberation to play the eternal victims as always.