Shit's fucked cunts.
>2000: AU$490Billion in existence
>March 2024: AU$3000.69Billion in existence
>$100 in 2000 = $612.39 in March2024
>$10.14/hr in 2000 = $62.10/hr today (minimum wage)
>$46 247 in 2000 = $283 210 today (median yearly income) || $74495.20 actual median income
Median home prices | salaries | price to salary ratio in 2024
>Sydney: $1,145,931 | $55,854 | 20.52
>Melbourne: $783,261 | $54,088 | 14.48
>Brisbane: $827,822 | $53,643 | 15.43
>Adelaide: $747,732 | $52,767 | 14.17
>Perth: $721,278 | $58,591 | 12.31
>Hobart: $648,074 | $50,130 | 12.92
>National: $779,817 | $54,890 | 14.21
according to the 2021 census data
>5 568 878 women of breeding or potential breeding age (under 35)
>75% total population is White
>best case scenario 4.2 million White females in Australia capable of having children now or in the future
>Importing 1 million shitskins a year.
>50% are female according to immigration data
>In 4 years, under the best case scenario with no account for the mRNA infertility there will be more breeding age shitskin women in Australia than White
>Still surrounded by 4Billion more shitskins who'd love to come live here