>>20610980>black men and white women still make niggbabies so it isn't breeding away blacks, it is creating more.Only for 2 or 3 generations. if each offspring breeds with a white person they are simply bred out. Americans consider themselves white even though their greatgrandmothers are 100% subsaharan african.
Besides, the point isn't to blend one race into another, its to blend all pure races into hybrid mongrels. Mullattoes have no affiliation to the culture, origin or tradition of either of their parents. Mixed race people are by far the easiest to anger and control as they are avatars of sociological failure. (((they))) want you alone and disenfranchised, regardless of skin color. They just want you miserable and consuming their massed produced cookie cutter garbage. The JQ isn't a "white people problem" its an "every non-jew" problem
>>20610980>porn jews say they have trouble finding enough blacks for interracial because black guys who do porn have the properties of regular black people