>>20617671Everything you said is correct, however I think it's very likely that they're a real instagram 'influencer' or 'influencer-wannabe' couple.
See, lot of hoes are in Instagram to make a career of shilling shit, taking sponsorships to push whatever shitty products.
And as they see the big Jewish media pushing race-mixing and advertisers pushing products with race-mixed couples, they'll now think of their relationship as being something kosher and marketable, that they are more likely to succeed in being 'influencers' and getting sponsorships or promoted by the algorithms (reminder: every social media except TikTok is Jewish-owned and controlled, they can decide what type of content the algorithms push).
So basically the Jewish social media comes a self-reinforcing loop, the wannabe-influencers see that racemixed-couple is what the powers that be wants to promote, so they'll become one.
Then some of them get promoted enough to become famous and get to shill products and whatever other deals to make them wealthy, making the next generation of wannabe-influencers chase the same image what Jewish social media wants to promote, looping forever.
It's very nasty and also very effective form of propaganda and social control, the Judeo-Bolshevik USSR or Maoist China could only have dreamed of such tools that the Jews of today have. They truly have global power to push agenda and change trends through not only legacy media, but especially social media.
Knowing the unfathomable power social media has, is the reason why they're currently kvetching so hard at TikTok and try to push through legislation in USA that would either transfer it to Jewish ownership or be banned, because they understand any media that is not in their control is a threat to the narratives they are pushing.
But at least we ain't speaking German, right...
Wrong side won WWII.