>>20644460They don’t fear death. They fear THE WALL. Ageing out of sexual desireability. Terrified by the prospect of plunging to 1st percentile in SMV as young prime tight pussy enters the market and competes for the same man. If we were holes, we’d want young holes to be illegal too, we’d want the sexual market to be bracketed into age classes, so we can retain our percentile/standing within our bracket forever. I promise you, the holes will eventually arrive at this bracket idea and think it’s the best thing ever. And they have voting power - they might make it a reality.
It’s *partially* our fault for coming up with this really gangster G shit called monogamy. You and I don’t need to kill eachother over those 2 holes over there. We can be bros and agree to take just one each, and everybody lives. Problem is, this just now introduced, for the first time in our species’ history, zero-sum sexual competition into women. They can no longer share men, and they aren’t exactly taking it well. There is real competition among them now and they hate it, and it’s not enough to just exist, have eggs, and be fuckable. They have to be MORE fuckable than the other girls, and in all likelihood will not be able to lock down anything more than their looksmatch (who is incel-tier).
Fun thing to note. The mating strategies women employ in this paradigm are an honest signal of what the true source of female value is, and what they have to offer in a marriage, lest they’d expend energy elsewhere, on something more rewarding. And their entire mating strategy is altering their appearance to look more enjoyable to fuck than the other girls.
I am incel (bald), but Atleast I am not a woman. Thank God for that. That would be a debased existence.