>>20658327>they made it a point to “destroy” the Jedi,No, actually Ryan Johnson deliberately threw out all the Judaeo-Masonic-Gnostic shit because he knew what it was.
A la "traditional" Star Wars Force use is always hereditary, transmitted by Midichlorians. This is because Judaism is hereditary, transmitted matrilinearly, with mitochondrians (the actual force generators of your cells) coming solely from your mother.
Hence Luke is able to say "The Force is strong in my family". Yes. Because you're all fucking Jews/Jedi. Jedi are just fucking Jews.
And Star Wars is entirely fucking Jewish, the first act is first century Judaea. The bridging act - Rogue One - is literally the story of Masada. The main trilogy is Jewish revenge fantasy where the Jews strike back against Amalek led by the fallen angels Azazel and Samyaza (Han Solo and Luke)
In the occult, Azazel is identified with Horus who had ruled for a MILLENIUM and had the head of a FALCON.
What a fucking coincidence.
Azazel is also identified with the Dajjal of the Quran who has a buddy Al Jassassah who is "so hairy one can't tell his front from his back"
What a fucking coincidence - AGAIN
And Azazel is trapped under rock (carbonite)
What a fucking coincidence - AGAIN AGAIN
And blinded by the light (again carbonite blindness)
What a fucking coincidence - AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN
And he's imprisoned for a thousand years (Jabba threatens him with this)
What a fucking coincidence AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN
And all these fucking coincidences are all coincidentally tied to the one figure in Star Wars who is a chaotic impulsive agent of chaos.
What are the fucking odds?!
It would be an amazing coincidence if Jews and Freemasons didn't actually do this over and over and over again in shows and movies for literally decades
The same formula
The same repeated set of leitmotifs
The same small set of protagonists and antagonists always in the same relation to each other.
It's a formula
But some are wilfully blind