>>20684803The funniest part is that these same people implicitly argue for the abolition of democracy when they go on their "misinformation" rants.
>muh russian misinformation is so powerful that nobody can resist it>the only solution is a ministry of truthif you don't trust the people to curate information for themselves then you don't trust the people to govern themselves. It's that simple. If people are only allowed to believe what a centralized authority tells them to believe and are only allowed to vote the way a centralized authority tells them to vote then this is a dictatorship with democratic aesthetics, which is even worse than a fascist dictatorship because it's necessarily being led by insecure faggots. At least fascism is open about what it is. These
>Democratic People's Republic of Xcountries just ooze insecurity and dishonesty.
>>20684804This but unironically.
>>20684810The leftist + corporate media alliance told us trump would deport all the mexicans and re-enslave all the blacks and put women in breeding camps and invade every muslim country for oil etc if he won last time and none of this happened. Nobody takes their fearmongering seriously any more. Mass media is for comedy now, not for information. The internet made media redundant. Media literally means middleman. Information middlemen are no longer necessary now that everyone on earth can communicate with everyone else on earth instantly. If I want information I will just get it directly from the source, I don't need a middleman. If I want to know what happened during the london riots or the kyle rittenhouse incident or whatever then I will just watch the live video feeds from people on the ground. If I want to laugh at out of touch retards I will watch CNN.