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Working out isn't based

No.20748322 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Men who visit fitness clubs do not correspond to traditional values, the Council of Ministers believes. "A man should work, bring money to the family. And where are our men today? They are in gyms. We have men in beauty salons today, probably more than women," complained Senator Olga Kovitidi.
This is objectively true.
The proper man gets enough work out at his job and while spending the weekends with his family. Visiting gyms, on the other hand, is largely Satanic self-worship.
Of course, there are a few cases where workout is required, i.e. jobs requiring peak performance - such as firefighters and other kind of rescuers working in extreme situations. Fatties should get in shape too, obviously. Other than that - working out is a form of Satanic faggotry.