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143KiB, 640x913, 850675e49eb6f1d9875ed922ffe5e3229d263d34cbb6b7bdcbd03da2db5c199a.png
>Many children shows are animated by japs
>The languages sound very similar
>The world map? A lie. Finland fits perfectly next to japan.
>Why are the Finnish people so tall, big and white? Russia used to rule Finland. Which two countries have won Russia in war? Finland and Japan. The Finnish people just don't have many interracial couples because the size and eastern japanese culture difference scares off the western japs.
>Both countries are suicidal
>Sweden tries to make fun of the Finns because they are more Scandinavian than swedes even though they are not Scandinavian
>Both countries are heavily forested
>Finland has a fuckton of jap tourists
>Japan has a fuckton of Finnish tourists
Wake up 4chan. We have been living a lie.
>The languages sound very similar
>The world map? A lie. Finland fits perfectly next to japan.
>Why are the Finnish people so tall, big and white? Russia used to rule Finland. Which two countries have won Russia in war? Finland and Japan. The Finnish people just don't have many interracial couples because the size and eastern japanese culture difference scares off the western japs.
>Both countries are suicidal
>Sweden tries to make fun of the Finns because they are more Scandinavian than swedes even though they are not Scandinavian
>Both countries are heavily forested
>Finland has a fuckton of jap tourists
>Japan has a fuckton of Finnish tourists
Wake up 4chan. We have been living a lie.