>>2077341I've applied to 20+ jobs, not even fucking good ones, just shitty ones like cashier/teammember at whole foods and other supermarkets. None call back or respond.
My mother incessantly calls me literally ten times a day asking if I had found a job yet and it's annoying the everliving shit out of me.
I basically have zero fucking friends and the ones that I do hang out with are the most socially inept trogs you could imagine. Full of drama and other bullshit I give literally zero shits about.
I also started my third year of college yesterday and it's stressing me the fuck out. I'm not even taking that many classes, it's four computer science programming classes (advanced C++, advanced java, datastrucutres, and android development. Which is why I'm trying to find a job so I have something to do on days when I don't have class)
I just fucking hate myself and everybody and everything right now. I want to die.