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Life is a humiliation ritual

No.20818085 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In life, nothing comes for free and whatever you get for 'free' is actually just a product of your circumstances which can and are bound to change in totally UNPREDICTABLE ways. life is full of surprises, they say.

Tomorrow you could lose your job, your leg and your mom. Tomorrow you could get angry and overloaded with stress due to some unavoidable circumsntance. Tomorrow a new war could start and wreak havoc in your home country.

Also living requires constant maintenance, your body is a machine and any trivial misadministration of your corporeal and cognitive resources can result in extremely negative consequences for no good reason (e.g. you forget to eat, you end up sleeping late, anything which causes you to lose your job or mess up the execution of some important task, and many other things all of which are costless and efortless in terms of how much you actually have to do in order to end up making a potentially catastrophic mistake. Entropy proves your life and literally the entire world is breaking down right before your eyes and you're just too dumb to care)

To live well requires constant *good maintenance* of your body and brain which is physically impossible for the majority of the population given time, physical and financial constraints. In our economic system which is headed for disaster and hyperinflation being a freaking NEET is probably more energetically efficient in the long run. You're not getting even 40% of the fruits of your labor lmao. And it only keeps getting exponentially worse, year by year.

If for some inexorable reason your genetics are shit and/or you disagree with how society is run you can get locked up or become homeless.

Not to mention this world is filled with npcs who obviously lack free will (it's impossible to have free will within a materialistic neuroscientific paradigm) so this essentially means everyone around you is actually a robot (including yourself in case you don't have a soul)