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Women hate thread

No.20824941 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What women fear more than anything is all men becoming aware of their bullshit, their affectations and lies. We will never be free until all men collectively wake up. Here are some main points from the book:

>Women always view sex at least somewhat transactionally even with chad
>Women are incapable of unconditionally loving anyone but their own children
>Women are illogical, irrational, physically and mentally weak, perpetual semi-children/teenagers mentally forever
>Women's own sexual/romantic selection strategy is self destructive
>Women can only chase chad to a point, once they are around 30 give/take a few years, their looks go out the window and chad doesn't want them anymore for anything
>This is called hitting the wall
>At this point women panic and seek out someone to give them children because soon they will be sterile
>Most of them have to "settle" for a non chad, which explains most of the (Women initiated) divorces down the line (once they've managed to scratch the children itch via breeding)
>Women have much weaker sex drives
>Men have no wall
Roasties always seeked to gain political power and our cucks let them gain political power to destroy civilization. We all should increase awareness about these disgusting beasts. Revoke their rights and decriminalise beating them up