[4 / 4 / ?]
Quoted By: >>2082649
Random greentext thread
I'll start
>Be me
>7th grade
>Have to piss badly
>Teacher does that whole "I don't know, can you?" bullshit
>"May I use the restroom Mr. Anonderson?"
>Book it to bathroom while holding my peener hole closed
>Urinals are taken
>See unlocked stall
>Kick the door open like they do in the movies
>See kid squatting on the toilet, shitting frog style
>See turd retreat back into his anus like a scared turtle
>Piss myself
I'll start
>Be me
>7th grade
>Have to piss badly
>Teacher does that whole "I don't know, can you?" bullshit
>"May I use the restroom Mr. Anonderson?"
>Book it to bathroom while holding my peener hole closed
>Urinals are taken
>See unlocked stall
>Kick the door open like they do in the movies
>See kid squatting on the toilet, shitting frog style
>See turd retreat back into his anus like a scared turtle
>Piss myself