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NEETs, the Greatest Denouncers of theTalmud

No.20837624 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Everyday i:
>Don't Work
>Don't Pay Taxes (Glowies/Jews Seethe)
>Don't step outside
>Sit on the couch
>Consuming media
>Play Vidya
>Watch TV,
>Download thousands of AI generated hentai pics
>Download hundreds of Instagram pics/videos
>Workout/Keep Fit
There are literally no incentives for me to participate in society -_-
>>Wage slaving and paying taxes for free literally doesn't get you anywhere
>>>Costs of living skyrocketing
>>>>Can't own home
>>>>>Can't own land
>>>>>>Systematically rendered "Economically unattractive" to women
>>>>>>>Women vaxxed and corrupted into total Giga-Chad chasing and nigger worship.

I will never become sexless tax cattle.

I will never yield to the machine

I will never comply with the Jewish Sexless Energy Sucking Slave Labor Humiliation Ritual Matrix.

Simple as.