Zoomzooms and millennials love to hate on Nirvana for some reason. Maybe it's the same reason I like to shit on the Beatles. Old, seemingly overrated band with a bunch of shit songs. Okay I get it. Still love Nirvana though. They absolutely have some cringe shitty songs, but most of it was great. I think something the youngsters don't understand about them is that everything was tongue in cheek sorta sarcasm. They had strong punk roots and didn't really take anything seriously. Yeah they were a little pozzed but pretty much everyone was back then. The type of music that was cool before them was the cocaine fueled hair bands of the 80s that might've been fun for some people but were clearly lacking in real feeling or soul, and everyone was just waiting for it to go away. Enter so called "grunge"(an industry term) that had some feels and described the suburban melancholy or malaise a lot of youngsters were feeling, sort of a disillusionment with not knowing our place in the world, parents getting divorced/arguing or on drugs(boomers), and getting made fun of at school for being weird in any sort of way, and you have music you can relate to that still has a heavy/punk and somewhat even poppy vibe, has some soul and was also sarcastic and funny at times. It was good stuff until it exploded and you had a million Nirvana clones, and so began the cringe of mid 90s "grunge" and college art wannabe music. Towards the end of the 90s electronic music and the internet took over, melding into pop/rap and what you currently hear on the radio, which hasn't changed in 20 years unfortunately. Bands like Nirvana make me nostalgic for simpler times, at the end of the day. Also, I'm not sure Kurt killed himself. Just like with Elliott Smith, the circumstances and details are questionable for sure.