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Theory of value is a real boondoggle for peopel lately because their minds have been stuffed full of fuck by the media echo complex. It's like this: value of any kind does NOT EXIST outside the mind. There is literally no such thing as "value" in nature - stuff just happens. A person needs to be there to assign value to a thing. Good, bad, ugly, cheap, expensive, etc. These things exist ONLY because a person believes it.
Now consider the inclinations of OTHER people to covet the thing that is valued by another person. Imagine a situation in which MANY people all value the same thing, but there is only a limited quality of that thing, and it is very hard to make more of it! Now fully grasp that you could remove the object ENTIRELY from the equation, and people would STILL desire and value that thing in its absence? That in fact the most valuable things in the world are things that nobody can have. Now we approach a full conception of value as something that transcends reality.
Asteroid mining, like Mars habitation, is a complete pipe dream at this stage btw. I am tired of dealing with people who even remotely believe it could happen any time this side of 2050.