When I was pretty young I was put on ADHD meds. They gave me really shitty symptoms, and I was too young to properly communicate them to my parents or doctor. I would get horrible lucid fever dreams where I was completely out of it, couldn't shake myself from the episodes, parents would find me rocking myself back and forth petrified. I can still feel a sickening deep discomfort when I hold something thin from all the times I've mindlessly gripped and held onto my bedsheets. I was incredibly paranoid, scared of everything, always convinced I was going to die. I couldn't eat out of anxiety, loss of appetite, and I couldn't sleep. I was very malnourished as a kid. Everything felt like the end of the world, I was always making myself sick with delusion.
I don't really do all that schizo shit anymore, not as much anyway. But I'm extremely runty now, only 5 feet and less than 90 pounds going on 18. Might just be unlucky but the medicine probably played a part, my younger sister is taller and heavier than I am.