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ID:7SfdOVV8 No.20853027 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be itautistic
>Live in Milan
>When i've nothing to do sometimes i talk to random tourists or some crackhead
>When i see a black/asian tourist i always ask where are they from
>If they respond "well i'm from *european country*" here starts my trolling
>Start making tons of jokes and stereotypes about that countries, pretending to ignore that they have obvious african/asian origins
>After some jokes i always get the same reaction, they tell "well actually, i'm not from *european country*, i have *insert african/asian country* origins as you can see, my parents are from *country* so i'm from *african/asian country*"

Everyone wants to be white, but no one wants to be white

Trolling 2nd gen immigrants is my hobby