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ID:jaVmS3tc No.20853367 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why aren't you taking the car camper pill
>FREE roof over your head
>ZERO rent
>ZERO goy normie boomer neighbors, niggers or spics
>ZERO crime when you live in a white state
>PARK your car rurally and don't spend any money for 7 days if you want
>Get to camp with other like minded RVers and make good friends and banter on your travel
>Or you can just be a NEET and stay inside shitposting and playing vidya all day.

You are mentally ill if you need a big piece of land or big house. A small van is enough for many people and if you're a NEET you definitely can live out of a small car if you take out backseat and passenger seat. If you are scared about what people think about you, then you should just pay $1000+/mo for rent, you're obviously not cut out if you can't make food on a little stove camper on the backseat of your trunk

Just live out of your car until the collapse and stack silver whenever you have extra money and go pick it up at the post office. Never have a real address, always use a PO box.
Just live near national parks and occasionally drive into the city like billings or helena montana to actually make some money for the month.

There's zero reason why you should be paying rent.

This is politicial because its an economic problem in america, and this is the way to solve it for men. Free living, no goy address needed.
They don't want you living in your car, less money for jews and their whole system collapses.