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Soupmaking as an expression of the Political Will

No.20859672 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I only consider those who make homemade soup with their own homegrown ingredients as Pvreblood unvaxxed soupniggers. Pvureblood soupniggers can live off the grid through the soupmaking learning process. An easily accesible process with steep learning curve and thus a high potential ceiling.

The system trembles in fear of the growing Soupnigger population , even jannies are noticing.

Jannies it's never too late to repent and join our movement. We do it for free , just like you.
Soupniggers rejoyce for we are the salt of the earth ( and the delicious nutritous soups).
Soupniggers i love you. Post your pridefull soups.