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Now listen here young Anons

ID:kVAGB9hg No.20869550 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do not fuck the trannies like Andrew Tate tells you. It does not make you an alpha male, in fact they are trash thrown to you to placate you for women. Andrew Tate is a CIA freemason glownigger.
>They do actually fuck trannies themselves as they are faggots. And it's their goal to turn the whole world into such, globohomo, like the days before the flood you can read about in the Bible.
If you fuck another guy the only women who will sleep with you are prostitutes (globohomo is working on turning all women into whores). This is why guys like Andrew Tate are always involved with prostitutes, it is the only pussy they can get after they become faggots. The other man is mentally ill and God will punish you.