>>20880201We are hardwired to seek sacrifice. Human life is inherently worthless and meaningless except for what you can bring to the table by sacrificing something. Serotonin, the neurotransmitter that makes you feel worthy and not-depressed is only liberated after doing this.
But when you live in the post-industrial revolution, postmodern, post-death of god, post-high speed internet, tiktok attention economy World where all your needs and wants are already accounted for, people sort of fall into this "stasis" where they're content with how things are.
Suburban tedium.
Thus, instead of seeking new challenges for oneself, getting tattoos is the easy way out. One sits down on a chair getting prickled by needles, undergoing terrible pain. This gives the brain the illusion of a Sacrifice being made.
It's also a way of "subverting and uglifying" things. It's making a school toilet out of oneself, tainting the body's natural beauty. It's a representation of unsolved daddy/mommy issues.
I do not like them at all. Not even one bit, not even a tiny one.
In ancient Japan, criminals would be tattooed with the crimes they had committed as a way to publicly shame and ostracize evildoers. Thus, they'd seek the graphical tattoos they sport, such as the yakuza stuff, to cover up the crime stuff.
The former practice is not currently enacted anymore, but the Yakuza still do it. So, tattoos make you look like a goon, an evildoer, and I will have none of them if I can.